Monday, July 28, 2008

Fish Are Friends, Not Food

If you ever find yourself down South-- more specifically in Atlanta--do yourself a favor and visit the Georgia Aquarium… Jamie and I went together in the spring and we just loved it. Yesterday, we went back with my sister and my niece and loved it again. The pictures here don’t do it justice (neither does my photography) but will give you some idea of the scope of what is there.

My favorite exhibit is the Coldwater Quest. Aside from the touch pool, (where you are allowed to touch sea anemones and other critters) you can see sea otters, sea lions and African penguins. The most breathtaking of all, though, are the beluga whales. The first time we walked in I was amazed (of course, none of my pictures came out well enough to post here). They are beautiful, playful and huge. I could watch them all day long.

Other exhibits include the Tropical Diver, River Scout and Georgia Explorer. The latter includes another touch pool that holds stingrays and sharks. Touching them to me is like touching wet velvet. Kids will say “slimy” and “euuw!” and “icky” but I think it’s awesome.

Finally is the largest of the exhibits, Ocean Voyager: Giant stingrays, grouper, hammerhead sharks and whale sharks are on display along with hundreds of other species. I took my chin up off the floor long enough to take some halfway decent photos:

Ol' Hammerhead if my favorite pic from the day:

A big freakin' grouper... Gee, for some reason I'm hungry?

And lastly...

...I don't know why, but the fish refuse to hold still while I am taking pictures. I was trying to get another shot of the hammerhead here, but at least you can see from the people in the foreground how absolutely huge this place is.

Anyway, if you are ever in the neighborhood, please do yourself a favor and visit--even if you don't have kids this is a spectacular place. Oh and to make the idea even more enticing, my friends: I'm just a little more than an hour down the road, I have huge house with three extra bedrooms and I am a good cook! I'll even drive if you dare let me.


Reenie said...

WOW! Great pics... and invitation. :) I didn't realize how geographically close we were!

~amy said...

Hey, Reenie!!! Thanks. I mean it, too... You are definitely someone I believe I could hang with. ;-)

Anonymous said...

I have wanted to visit this aquarium ever since it opened! I think you're pictures are beautiful, Amy. I don't know when I'll make it to Atlanta, but it's on our list. A few years ago we took our kids to Monterey, CA to the super-aquarium there. It was awesome. And our local zoo has beluga whales, polar bears and walruses. We go there so often, I'm convinced the mammals all recognize me. :)

~amy said...

Holly: Thanks! I was using my sister's camera and wasn't really used to it--this is one of the times I really wish I owned one of those fancy shmancy cameras, though! Monterey is a beautiful place, huh? I lived there when I was little but remember it well. Let me know when you'll be down this way!!! Maybe you, me and Reenie could hang. ;-)

revolutionaire. said...

i've been meaning to go to that aquarium. I know it's a bit of a jaunt, but Baltimore has a killer aquarium too.

Thanks for posting this blog, it makes me want to take a weekend trip to Atlanta/Hotlanta!

~amy said...

Rev: 'Jaunt' is a great word, no??? Let's see, I've been to the aquariums in Baltimore, New Orleans and Chattanooga. I've also been to Sea World in San Diego and the thing at Disney World... Out of all of those, this is still my fave!

tracey said...

I LOVE Atlanta - if I moved from this area and got to pick the next big city I would like to live in, Atlanta is it. Mmmm, Fellini's I'm hungry.

By the way, the word verification for this comment is "poohy". Just thought that was funny. Don't know why. : )

Anonymous said...

Awesome pictures! I used to go to the Shedd Aquarium when we lived in Chicago. They had these sand sharks there that scared the ever-livin' crap out of me. Now I always picture them when I'm in the water. Even fresh water. Even in my pool at night.

Cary McNeal said...

We do love our aquarium down here. If any of you come down this way, you better let me know so I can buy you lunch. They have great fish sticks at the aquarium.

Hammerheads are so cool and freaky. I always wondered if they could see you if you stood directly in front of them.