Tuesday, September 16, 2008

One Chip, No Dip

You may have noticed (or not) that I've added a "beer ticker" over there to the right, and that today marks my 31st day without a drink. This afternoon I went to an AA meeting and got my first chip marking one month's sobriety. The other members of the group were so genuinely proud and supportive and showed it with their applause and with their kind words as I left. Actually, I went today just because something told me I needed to, not because I wanted to drink or because I was really thinking about taking the chip with me. But I'm glad I did. So I just wanted to share since so many of you have asked for updates, and because today is a good day.


Frank Irwin said...

Nice work, Amy!

Brown said...

I would have totally gone for food. I mean, they do serve food at those things right?

Merle Sneed said...


~amy said...

frank: Thank you very much.

mr. poopie: Ha. Coffee and cigarettes are the main staples. Next time I go I might bring some bean dip, though.

merle: =)

Anonymous said...

I remember the day hubby brought home his 30 day chip...So proud. He carried it for 2 years, until it joined the lost socks (washer/dryer)...
So very proud of you..


~amy said...

Lauren: Thanks, girl! A

Bev said...

YAY! Go, you!

~amy said...

b: thank you.

Anonymous said...

Congrats, Amy! Keep it up. And p.s I LOVE the beer ticker. Hilarious.