Wednesday, September 17, 2008

I Can See Russia From My House

In case you missed it: Tina Fey and Amy Poehler as Sarah and Hillary...


Merle Sneed said...

Tiny Fey was eerie similar to Palin.

Brown said...

Tina Fey was brilliant . . . I love the rifle pose!

~amy said...

merle: hard to tell the two apart, isn't it? maybe we should Tina in the WH instead.

mr. poopie: I just love her. Oh and will you please leave more comments? I just love writing "mr. poopie," mr. poopie.

Reenie said...

This is one of the FUNNIEST skits I've ever seen. It was *pulled* from several sites for a while, which I don't get. It is genius. xoxo

Brown said...

as you wish!

~amy said...

reenie: TF is spot-on! Fab.

mr. poopie: thank you, mr. poopie. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Tina Fey at her best. I actually saw it on NBC's site, and they had the code for embedding it...perhaps they're finally coming around to the 21st century? That would be refreshing. I'm setting the Tivo to record tonight...don't want to miss it if she drops in again!