Saturday, October 10, 2009

Thanks, Stadium Pal!!!

Last night I had the most fun I have had since... well... a long time.

We went to Birmingham for An Evening With David Sedaris, author of Me Talk Pretty One Day (which got me hooked) and Naked (which has led me to put down Dan Brown's new one in favor of it). They are just two among many others that I will devour as soon as I get the chance. We laughed, howled, even, as we listened while Sedaris read his essays about everything from jury duty to email to shopping at Costco. My sides still hurt.

Check him out here, and if you evereverever can, in person...

It was my friend Frank, a writer in San Francisco, who finally set me straight. When asked about my new look he put down his fork and stared at me for a few moments...

"A bow tie announces to the world you can no longer get an erection."

- David Sedaris


Samsmama said...

I was over at LOTD when I saw the title of this post and just KNEW what it was! I freaking LOVE David Sedaris, and have also been fortunate to see him live. Also had him sign my book, and giggled like a school girl while he did it. Having said all this, I'm going to watch the clip (again) as it's hilarious!!!

~amy said...

Samsmama: What a blast it was to listen to him and how impressed I am at his genius story-telling. I'm just so glad he's willing to share it with the rest of us! Last night I was sitting there trying to figure out what witty thing I could say to Mr. Sedaris when I got to the front of the line to have my book signed... Something that would make him drop everything and declare me his new best friend. Know what I got? Squat... I love my new, unsigned book, though.

Cary McNeal said...

Love that man. I have never laughed as hard at a book as I did when I read Me Talk Pretty One Day. Naked was almost as good. I need to read some of his newer stuff. I would love to see him live, too.

Great clip! Thanks, Amy.

tracey said...

I love David Sedaris in a way that would be seriously threatening to my marriage if David weren't so damn committed to being gay.
His books make me laugh out loud & "Six to Eight Black Men" is the funniest thing I have ever heard. "Dress your Family in Corduroy & Denim" is great too.

wv - shume - "yeah, i said i love sedaris. so shume."

Samsmama said...

Oh, Tracey is right, "Six to EIght Black Men" is hilarious!!! If you haven't read it, get on it now!

He was just in town on Wednesday. Had my friend given me more than 24 hours notice I'd have gone. Damn!

~amy said...

I think I would be a groupie if I could... Has anyone heard the Costco bit?