Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Altogether Ookey

Tonight, BBC America is airing a documentary called "My Fake Baby." I have to say, I am thoroughly creeped out by this. These are women who pay upwards of $1,000 for a realistic-looking doll and claim things like they are just like little girls who love to play with dolls, only they happen to be grown-ups. Puts a whole new spin on the "it's an action figure" excuse to me. The Today Show clip is below...

...Um, I still don't get it!


Frank Irwin said...

A few weeks ago, they had a show on men who have Love Dolls. One guy had 8, and he introduced a few of them to his girlfriend. Before she met them, she claimed that she didn't have a problem with them, but after she showed up at his flat, and saw a few of them dressed up, sitting around the table, she broke off the "relationship" shortly thereafter.

~amy said...

Frank: I know I probably sound like a hypocrite when I say I have nothing against love dolls, it's these babies that freak me out. Irnonically, my love doll is named Frank.

Reenie said...

Okay. These people are odd. Hmm, but come to think of it, I still ride my pogo stick, which is also named Frank.

Amy, I'm with you, this is freaky.

~amy said...

Reenie: LOL!!!

tracey said...

The dolls don't scare me nearly as much as the owners do.

~amy said...

Tracey: Yeah. Um, ya think since you are going to be on national tv that you might want to break out the iron? Nah. Everyone will be looking at your "baby," not you, kooky lady on the right.

tracey said...

Right? God help us all. The inmates are running the asylum.

Frank Irwin said...

I surfed across that episode last night, and kept on going...

~amy said...

Mr. Poopie: Toldja!

tracey said...

Off topic, but congratulations on Day 48. Still proud, still praying.

Frank Irwin said...

I finally got around to watching the video. I wonder if one of those would help me pick up chicks? :-)